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The 856 One Hour Draw/Write

The 856 (Hakkoru) One Hour Draw/Write (also known as @856_one) is a Japanese-language twitter account run by twitter user @akiy3115. Every week starting on Monday, three prompts are chosen randomly from a pool of suggestions. Then, on the following Sunday, participants have 1 hour to draw Hassius fanart or write fanfiction in accordance to one or more of the prompts. These creations are then shared on Twitter.

Here is the official landing page for the account, with all of the information translated into English at the bottom!!

Format and Timeframe

One Hour fanwork events are very common in Japanese Twitter fandoms – it’s all about sitting down and creating something in the span of an hour, so that everyone can see more art and writing of their favorite characters! Though the account owner and many participants speak Japanese, overseas creators can (and do!) contribute.

Three prompts are chosen and announced every Monday at 12pm JST. You’ll have all week to consider the prompts and get ideas for what kind of fanwork you’re interested in creating. Then, on that following Sunday, participants begin writing/drawing/etc. at the start time and work up until the end time. Note: it is perfectly OK for fanwork creation to go over the 1 hour limit! All this will change are the specific hashtags you’ll use in your post. It is also perfectly OK to join in the festivities late!

Below is a timetable breaking down Sunday’s events in JST alongside other common timezones.

Japan Pacific US Mountain US Central US Eastern US GMT
Start Time 9pm JST 5am PST 6am MST 7am CST 8am EST 12pm
End Time 10pm JST 6am PST 7am MST 8am CST 9am EST 1pm
Posting Time from 10pm to Midnight from 6am to 8am from 7am to 9am from 8am to 10am from 9am to 11am From 1pm to 3pm

Posting and Tagging

There are two hashtags associated with @856_one - #856_one and #856_draw. Which hashtag you’ll use when posting your work will depend on how long you spent working on your piece and at what time you post.

If you completed your fanwork in the 1 hour time period beginning at 9pm JST and are posting your work between the designated hours of 10pm JST and 12am JST, you’ll use the #856_one tag.

If a). working on your piece greatly exceeded the 1 hour time limit, and/or b). you are posting your work later than the designated posting hours, you’ll use #856_draw tag (Note: even if your fanwork is a piece of writing, you’ll use the #856_draw tag in these cases).

Suggesting Themes

The three weekly themes are chosen from a pool of follower submissions. Anyone can suggest any number of themes; submissions are added to the pool and chosen randomly.

Those interested in suggesting themes can submit them to @856_one’s affiliated odaibako account. Odaibako is a Japanese-language suggestion box service that is popular among Twitter and Pixiv artists for collecting anonymous art suggestions from their followers – it’s also very simple to use! Follow the above link to the @856_one odaibako account and submit theme ideas via the text box.

It can be helpful for the account administrator to receive theme suggestions in Japanese; if you aren’t sure how to express your idea in Japanese, you can use resources such as the online JP dictionary to help.

“I want to participate, but the timing doesn't work for me”

This is no problem at all! Anyone can participate at any time they’re able; participants are even allowed to go back and create works for past prompts if they’d like! If the event time frame doesn’t work for your schedule, you have a few options: